Saturday, April 14, 2018

Gabe and I were curious as to how a big budget movie makes its way into theaters and how they are distributed, so we looked them up in class and found out the process.
If our movie were to be a full budgeted movie made professionally, we would have to sign an agreement with a distributing company and show them the movie. If it is deemed worthy of entering the movie theaters, the company will play the movie in theaters for a couple of weeks. 
After the movie is withdrawn from theaters, the distributing company can make blu-ray copies and sign with T.V. stations. Since our movie is not tv-pg, we would have to censor it or cut it in order to be movie appropriate. 
Gabe and I also think that in order to make our intro seem more professional, we would credit a fake production company in the beginning of our film.

Tyson, J. (2000, September 18). How Movie Distribution Works. Retrieved April 02, 2018, from
Film distribution. (2018, March 31). Retrieved April 02, 2018, from

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