In my opinion, dialogue in student made films have always looked mediocre. I do not think that there should be a lot of dialogue because most student actors can not make a conversation look believable.Writing believable dialogue with good actors takes time, so we took some time to thin of some dialogue and decided to have a intro with a small amount of dialogue.
Dark comedies usually rely on the dialogue, so we might have to change the sequence of our story a little...
We also had a discussion about how we were going to film the intro. Since we both only have our phones and our ideas, I decided to look up some tips for low budget films. We will most likely film using mostly natural light, borrow a good camera, and most importantly put the story in a higher priotity than the cosmetics.
7 Tips for Low-Budget Filmmaking. (2017, May 09). Retrieved April 13, 2018, from
Dialogue. (n.d.). Retrieved March 26, 2018, from
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